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Showing page 1 of 18 (172 results)

A “Fork-to-Farm” Multi-Scale Approach to Promote Sustainable Food Systems for Nutrition and Health: A Perspective for the Mediterranean Region

Year: 2018 - Article - N. of Authors: 10

Countries: Tunisia; France

Source: Frontiers in Nutrition

Institutions (6): Université de Montpellier; Institut de recherche pour le développement; INRAE; Montpellier SupAgro; Université de Tunis El Manar; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement

Topics (3): Mediterranean Diet; Eating Habits; Food Frequency Questionnaires

Topics Clusters (3): Obesity; Motor Activity; Child

SDGS (2): SDG 2; SDG 12

Open Access: (2): Gold; Green

A dynamic quantile regression model for the relationship between oil price and stock markets in oil-importing and oil-exporting countries

Year: 2020 - Article - N. of Authors: 1

Countries: Tunisia; Saudi Arabia

Source: Energy

Institutions (2): University of Gabes; Northern Borders University

Topics (3): Oil Price Shocks; Oil Markets; Volatility Spillover

Topics Clusters (3): Models; Risks; Finance

SDGS (1): SDG 10

A hydrological-economic model for sustainable groundwater use in sparse-data drylands: Application to the Amtoudi Oasis in southern Morocco, northern Sahara

Year: 2015 - Article - N. of Authors: 8

Countries: Chile; Spain; Portugal; Morocco; Italy

Source: Science of the Total Environment

Institutions (7): CSIC; University of Alicante; Universidad Autónoma de Chile; University of Lisbon; Mohammed V University in Rabat; University of Urbino; CSIC - Experimental Station of Arid Zones

Topics (3): Groundwater Recharge; Vadose Zone; Deserts

Topics Clusters (3): Aquifers; Groundwater Resources; Groundwater Flow

SDGS (5): SDG 6; SDG 2; SDG 12; SDG 15; SDG 11

A multi-attribute assessment of electricity supply options in lebanon

Year: 2020 - Chapter - N. of Authors: 7

Countries: Lebanon; United Kingdom; United States; France

Source: Food-Energy-Water Nexus Resilience and Sustainable Development: Decision-Making Methods, Planning, and Trade-Off Analysis

Institutions (4): Harvard University; Imperial College London; Yale University; University of Bath

Topics (3): Water Footprint; Water-Energy Nexus; Greywater

Topics Clusters (3): Water; Water Resources; Water Management

SDGS (1): SDG 7

A new methodology for assessing the energy use–environmental degradation nexus

Year: 2019 - Article - N. of Authors: 2

Countries: Egypt; Tunisia; Saudi Arabia

Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Institutions (3): University of Sousse; Northern Borders University; University of Manouba

Topics (3): Equity Premium; Stock Return Predictability; Excess Returns

Topics Clusters (3): Models; Risks; Finance

SDGS (1): SDG 13

A nexus approach for the MENA region-from concept to knowledge to action

Year: 2019 - Article - N. of Authors: 11

Countries: Lebanon; Jordan; United Kingdom; Germany; Morocco; Netherlands; Sweden

Source: Frontiers in Environmental Science

Institutions (5): American University of Beirut; Stockholm Environment Institute; Overseas Development Institute; University of Twente; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Topics (3): Water Footprint; Water-Energy Nexus; Greywater

Topics Clusters (3): Water; Water Resources; Water Management

Open Access: (2): Gold; Green

A non-linear assessment of the urbanization and climate change nexus: the African context

Year: 2019 - Article - N. of Authors: 1

Countries: Tunisia

Source: Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Institutions (1): University of Sfax

Topics (3): Environmental Kuznets Curve; Financial Development; Trade Openness

Topics Clusters (3): Electricity; Energy; Economics

SDGS (2): SDG 11; SDG 13

A review of the water-energy nexus

Year: 2016 - Review - N. of Authors: 3

Countries: Algeria

Source: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Institutions (1): University of Science and Technology of Oran - Mohamed-Boudiaf

Topics (3): Water Footprint; Water-Energy Nexus; Greywater

Topics Clusters (3): Water; Water Resources; Water Management

SDGS (2): SDG 6; SDG 13

A Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach for conducting trade-off analysis: Morocco's phosphate industry in the Khouribga region

Year: 2020 - Article - N. of Authors: 5

Countries: Lebanon; Japan; United States; Morocco

Source: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Institutions (3): National Institutes for the Humanities, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature; Texas A&M University; American University of Beirut

Topics (3): Water Footprint; Water-Energy Nexus; Greywater

Topics Clusters (3): Water; Water Resources; Water Management

SDGS (5): SDG 6; SDG 13; SDG 7; SDG 9; SDG 12

Open Access: (2): Gold; Green

Advancements in sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems

Year: 2018 - Editorial - N. of Authors: 5

Countries: Croatia; Jordan; Turkey; Canada

Source: Energy Conversion and Management

Institutions (4): University of Zagreb; Ontario Tech University; Jordan University of Science and Technology; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Topics (3): Compressed Air Energy Storage; Electricity Storage; Arbitrage

Topics Clusters (3): Electric Power Transmission Networks; Wind Power; Electric Power Distribution

SDGS (4): SDG 6; SDG 13; SDG 8; SDG 7